Original Articles
Modulating effect of cromolyn on Akt, MAPK, ERK and DNMT expression pattern in 7,12-dimethylbenz (a) anthracene induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis
DOI record not available299-304Abstract Views : 58Download :24 -
Therapeutic potential of P. santalinus against alcohol-induced histopathological changes and oxidative damage in heart and lungs
DOI record not available305-311Abstract Views : 23Download :21 -
Stability of Recombinant Human Interferon Alpha-2b Produced In Methylotropic Yeast Pichia pastoris
DOI record not available312-320Abstract Views : 37Download :26 -
Evaluation of physico-chemical and preliminary phytochemical screening of walsura piscidia roxb
DOI record not available321-324Abstract Views : 55Download :16 -
Hypo glycemic and immuno-modulatory activity of Tephrosia calophylla root extract
DOI record not available325-332Abstract Views : 19Download :15 -
Formulation and evaluation of glimepiride loaded liposomes
DOI record not available333-338Abstract Views : 110Download :38 -
Anti-inflammatory activity of Rumex vesicarius L. leaves
DOI record not available339-343Abstract Views : 53Download :25 -
Effect of edge actuators on the formulation and characterization of tolnaftate proniosomes
DOI record not available344-357Abstract Views : 35Download :18 -
Preparation and evaluation of sustained release niacin and green tea extract bilayer tablets
DOI record not available358-362Abstract Views : 37Download :13 -
Development and evaluation of letrozole loaded proniosomes as drug delivery system
DOI record not available363-368Abstract Views : 30Download :21 -
Surveillance of adverse events in surgical department: An observational study
DOI record not available369-373Abstract Views : 22Download :16
Review Article
Jute-A biological elixir with multifaceted applications: An overview
DOI record not available374-383Abstract Views : 93Download :185