Burns injury is a global issue; when burns left unmonitored, it may lead to sepsis & hypovolemia. It majorly contributing to the country's morbidity and mortality. Accidental burns are quite common throughout the world. The degree of burns differs variably, and to identify a possible therapeutic option, it is of great importance for the researchers and scientists. Achieving a uniform burn wound model is thus required to study the burns injury at different levels involving epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. The goal of this study is to create a simple third-degree contact burn in Wistar albino rats. Third-degree contact burn wound was monitored on 7th, 14th, and 21st day for natural wound healing under gross and histopathological observation. Gross observation reported damaged skin to appear dry, leathery, and charred. Wound closure was observed to be delayed and incomplete on day 21. Histopathology revealed a wound healing process by hematoxylin and eosin method. This metal surface contact method revealed a simplified and cost-effective method for inducing a third degree of a wound in Wistar rats. The study is thus a milestone that could enable research progress in the area of wound healing.
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