The main purpose of instrumentations in primary procedures of primary teeth is the removal of the organic debris. The success of the root canals therapy is based on the quality of instrumentations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the preference of hand or rotary instrumentation in single visit permanent molars. The study was conducted in a university setting. A total of 80 samples were collected and the data was tabulated in excel, which was later exported to SPSS software for the statistical analysis. The output was represented in the form of graphs and pie charts. A total of 80 cases were collected. The mea gae calculated was 13.8 years. Gender distribution in the patients were 51.2% females and 48.78% males. The age group commonly seen was 14 years (p-value = 0.219). Most common tooth number was found to be the upper left first molar. Rotary instrumentations were the most preferred technique for root canal treatment in permanent molars. The preference was more towards female patients and mandibular molars with age between 14-15 years.
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