Pre-formed stainless steel crowns has been proved to be successful and efficient full coverage restoration in pediatric dentistry especially after pulp therapy and for restoring multi-surface carious lesions. The purpose of this study is to enumerate the need and requirements of back-to-back crowns in the mandibular arch of children aged 2 to 6 years. This cross-sectional observational study was carried out retrospectively by analysing the treatment done by providing back-to-back crowns in mandibular arch and thereby determining the requirement for the same. Out of 134 pairs of back-to-back crowns, 86.7% of the teeth required pulp therapy; 28.5% of the teeth had a class 2 carious lesion. Pulp therapy was the most common requirement for back-to-back crowns in the mandibular arch, followed by Class 2 restorations.
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