In vitro anti-diabetic and anti-bacterial activity of unexplored species of Atuna

Sayyid Fasal Jassim VT (1) , Gopal V (2)
(1) Research Scholar, PRIST University, Thanjavur-613 403, Tamil Nadu, India, India ,
(2) Department of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, MTPG & RIHS, A Govt. of Puducherry Institu- tion, Puducherry-605 006, India, India


The present study highlights the Antidiabetic and Antibacterial activity of the various parts of wild plants Atuna indica (Bedd.) Kosterm and Atuna travancorica (Bedd.) Kosterm belonging to the family Chrysobalanaceae from Western Ghats, India. The leaves and flowers of Atuna indica and the leaves of Atuna travancorica were collected, shade dried, powdered and extracted in 50% aqueous ethanol by maceration process and concentrated to dryness with the use of rotary vacuum evaporator. The ethanol extracts of the test plant parts of the two species were subjected to the Invitro Antidiabetic and Antibacterial activity with the help of α-amylase inhibition and microtiter plate assay methods respectively. The leaves of the two species possess Antidiabetic and Antibacterial activity; in particular leaves of A.indica and A.travancorica shows prominent Antidiabetic activity when compared with the other parts of the two species examined. In the case of Antibacterial activity the leaves of A.travancorica possess significant activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus subtilis. The results suggested that the flowers of A.indica does not have the said activity. Based on the results obtained from the preliminary screening, it can be concluded that the leaves of A.travancorica has the maximum activity when compared with the other parts of the two species.

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Sayyid Fasal Jassim VT (Primary Contact)
Gopal V
Sayyid Fasal Jassim VT, & Gopal V. (2018). In vitro anti-diabetic and anti-bacterial activity of unexplored species of Atuna. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 9(2), 410–414. Retrieved from

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