Seawater contains many types of minerals that can be used in the health sector as raw materials for medicines and supplements. In Indonesia, one of the biggest mineral salt-producing areas is Pamekasan Madura with a recent record income of 2,768,809.95 tons. The many mineral resources available and the potential development of medicinal raw materials, it is necessary to check the initial physicochemical properties as a source of information for further research. This study aims to analyze the content, and physicochemical properties of concentrated minerals and magnesium isolates from seawater Pamekasan Madura. After analyzed, it was found that the concentrated mineral contained as many as 25 types of minerals and has a viscosity of 15 mPa.s, a specific gravity of 1,318 - 1,330 with a Baume value of 35-36, and pH of 6.1. The highest mineral concentrations are Sodium (32948.8012 mg / L), Magnesium (20685.5644 mg / L), and Calcium (349.7602 mg / L). Mineral concentrations of seawater Pamekasan Madura were found to be greater than the surface waters of Taiwan Yes Mineral. Magnesium isolate has a purity of 10.88%. Based on the result, it can be concluded that seawater Pamekasan Madura is a potential source of raw material for mineral medicines.
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