Smoking is always said to be a risk factor in many of the health conditions. Smokers are always at a higher risk. COVID 19 is a whole new chapter of its own. Recent research has stated that in COVID-19 smokers are 14 times more prone to death. Awareness in Indians is lacking, and they do not know the effects of smoking. Literature refers to the comorbidities like smoking, cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease diabetes etc. as "pre-existing conditions”. The term coronavirus is used because of their appearance to a crown-like structure having long spikes of transmembrane glycoproteins. The link between coronavirus and smokers is still unknown. the role of angiotensin in smokers and its link-up with coronavirus needs to be understood. However, clarification regarding the casual link of these comorbidities to COVID-19 does not exist in the present literature. This article focuses on the link between smoking and COVID 19 and its effects. It provides detailed knowledge regarding the link between coronavirus and smokers, which is the need of the hour as awareness is necessary for the present condition. This article focuses on the present condition as well as the link between smokers and the coronavirus.
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