Pandemic diseases continue to emerge as per the World health Organisation reports and there had been a continuous combat against the same for past years worldwide. These diseases might include viral or bacterial or other deadly pathogens. The current and trending outbreak which spreads equally among all countries which is becoming fatal is the novel Corona virus or COVID-19. The infection started its journey right from wuhan city, China and now has no borders to cross up to date. The symptoms are direct or indirect and various from individual. One such serious stage is “Severe Acute Respiratory disorder” a syndrome or disorder caused by our own immune system when fighting against an infection. Another fatal symptom is the Severe Acute Respiratory disorder. It is condition where our own immune systems overworks against a particular pathogenic infection and the chemical released by the same causes inflammation or damage to our own cells or tissues. Among the various causes of sepsis or tissue damage and fatal sepsis, pneumonia, viral pneumonia like COVID- 19 is more critical to go for treatment. However sepsis is not contagious, it could cause serious damage to the person through blood stream from the source of infection.
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