In the recent times, postpartum inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs in cows are considered as a typical infectious pathology. The main reason is an increase in the pathogenicity of conditionally pathogenic micro flora against the weakening of the natural resistance of the animal. The postpartum acute endometritis is diagnosed as the most common among the postpartum inflammatory diseases. It is observed in 22.5...38.4% of calving cows. The aim of the work was to study the effectiveness of preparations of plant based Sepranol and Cefamethrin in the pharmacotherapy of postpartum acute endometritis in cows. The clinical evaluation of therapeutic efficacy of the proposed drugs in combination with other therapeutic methods were carried out in a comparative aspect in scientific and economic experiment with the separation of cows according to the principle of analogues into experimental and control groups under the same conditions of their feeding, keeping, and exploitation. The main criterion for assessing the therapeutic effectiveness of the tested drugs was the restoration of their reproductive function in experimental animals in the shortest time possible. Studies have shown that for postpartum acute endometritis, the use of complex treatment with Сefamethrin at a dose of 80 ml intrauterine with a 48-hour interval before recovery allowed to obtain a therapeutic effect up to 96%, reduce the number of infertility days, and increase the fertility percentage.
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