An important element in solving problems relating to preservation of young cattle livestock and production increase of livestock products is timely diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of non-communicable etiology, among which one of the most common is bronchopneumonia. Therefore, the development of effective methods of treatment and prevention of this pathology is an urgent problem of veterinary medicine. The disease leads to calves deep, sometimes irreversible disturbances of bronchopulmonary system functions. Lung function is one of the first to be disrupted, playing an important role in the protective immunological reactions of the body, through which there is an increase in virulence of microorganisms, which leads to the general intoxication and severe bronchopneumonia. The situation on non-specific bronchopneumonia of calves in the Lower Volga region is tense, but it is to the same extent as in other regions having problems with this pathology. It is obvious that the susceptibility of calves to respiratory diseases is formed under the influence of antenatal influences and is manifested in the presence of adverse environmental factors leading to depletion of reserves adaptation in the first months of animal life.
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