Milk is a complete food with high nutritional value. Milk is an important culture medium for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms. This study focuses on the samples collected from the different milk distribution areas in MaduranthagamTaluk, South India. Fifty pasteurized milk samples of ten different brands were collected and physicochemical, microbiological analysis were carried out in both raw milk and pasteurized milk samples. The milk samples were subjected to physicochemical analysis such as Fat content, Clearance, Lactometric Reading, Clot on Boiling Test, Solid Non Fat and Acidity were calculated. The milk sample were also subjected to the chemical analysis for the Nitrogen content, crude protein content, Lactose content, ash content were also calculated Methylene blue reduction test has been used to test quality of the milk samples. These findings may be helpful to monitor the quality of the milk products in the market. It can provide an interest in examine the organic and inorganic content in milk. It is reported that all samples added with urea and few samples have sulphate. Raw milk showed inferior quality, processed milk have Low load of bacterial population.
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