Epilepsy is defined as a chronic disorder that causes a sudden rush of electrical activities in the brain. These seizures may be partial or general. While fractional annexations affect a solitary part of the brain, comprehensive seizures distress the entire brain and its activities. There exist myriad options for seizure treatment. Use of Keppra, the brand name for Levetiracetam, is one of the most adopted forms of treatment. These seizures are generally caused by low blood sugar, alcohol withdrawal as well as head trauma. For one to be prescribed seizure drugs, signs such as simple partial seizures, complex partial seizures as well as general seizures must be present. There are other options for managing seizures such as brain surgery, adopting a Ketogenic diet and anti-epileptic drugs. Levetiracetam is typically prescribed as an add-on to these seizure drugs to boost their effectiveness and as well ensure improved quality of life. While essential resources and information are recommending the use of Levetiracetam, there are also sources discrediting the drug with evidence of causing memory loss and reduced quality of life. Therefore, this study aims at collecting information from different scholarly articles, journals, and websites about the side effects of using Levetiracetam in different populations. After the data is explored, the study offers a comprehensive conclusion based on the information available. The study, therefore, affirms that the use of Levetiracetam improves the quality of life and it does not affect or interfere with the cognitive functions of the brain. The study seeks to demystify the linking of Levetiracetam to memory loss of its users.
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