Development and radiographical evaluation of floating tablets with combination of Amoxicillin Trihydrate and Ranitidine Hydrochloride

Parepalli Srikanth (1) , Hemalatha S (2) , Suggala Venkata Satyanarayana (3)
(1) Research Scholar, JNTUA, Ananthapuramu-515002, Andhra Pradesh, India, India ,
(2) Department of Pharmacognosy, Sri Venkateswara College of Pharmacy, Chittoor-517127, Andhra Pradesh, India, India ,
(3) Department of Chemical Engineering, JNTUA, Ananthapuramu-515002, Andhra Pradesh, India, India


Stomach Specific Floating Tablets (SSFT) with a combination of Amoxicillin-Trihydrate (AT) and Ranitidine Hydrochloride (RH) were developed by using different grades of Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMCK) (i.e.HPMCK 100M, HPMCK4M and HPMCK15M), to treat patients with H. pylori-infected duodenal ulcer. Floating tablets were prepared by direct compression method, developed formulations were evaluated for different pre-compression and post-compression parameters like angle of repose, compressibility index, hardness, weight variation, floating lag time, content uniformity, and in-vitro drug release. In-Vitro release of two drugs (Amoxicillin-Trihydrate and Ranitidine hydrochloride) from the developed formulation was estimated by the Simultaneous Estimation method (Vierordt's Method). The optimized formulation was subjected to Radio graphical evaluation by incorporating the BaSO4, a radio-opaque substance by replacing a part of the drug from the optimized formulation of into the formulation and then it was administered to the healthy human volunteers to find out the in-vivo residence time. In-vivo X-ray studies were conducted both in fed condition, as well as fasted condition the optimized formulation showed a gastric residence time of more in fed state than that of fasting state. From these studies it was clearly observed that the floating tablets should be given to patients after a standard food and with frequent intake of water.

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Parepalli Srikanth
Hemalatha S (Primary Contact)
Suggala Venkata Satyanarayana
Parepalli Srikanth, Hemalatha S, & Suggala Venkata Satyanarayana. (2019). Development and radiographical evaluation of floating tablets with combination of Amoxicillin Trihydrate and Ranitidine Hydrochloride. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10(2), 1489–1499. Retrieved from

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