Pharmocognostical and Phytochemical Evaluation of Stem of Artabotrys odoratissimus.(roxb.)R.Br.(Annonaceae)

Saritha Kodithal (1) , Murali R (2) , Srinivasan N (3)
(1) Research scholar, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of engineering and technology, Annamalai University, Chidambaram-608 002, Tamil Nadu, India, India ,
(2) Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalai University, Chidambaram-608 002, Tamil Nadu, India, India ,
(3) Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalai University, Chidambaram-608 002, Tamil Nadu, India, India


Medicinal plants constitute the major bioactive compounds of most indigenous medicines and a large number of medicinal preparations which contain one or more ingredients of plant origin. The worldwide enthusiasm for the study and practice on herbs has in this manner, significantly expanded during the most recent two decades due to developing mindfulness about the quality and symptoms of manufactured medications, their impediments in numerous zones of treatment, nearly significant expense and regularly tranquilize past the range of normal man. For thousands of years people have utilized herbs for health care. The herbal products today symbolize safety in contrast to the synthetics that are regarded as unsafe to human and environment. Pharmacognostical studies help in the identification and authentication of the plant compounds isolated from various parts of plants. Stem bark of Artabotrys odoratissimus were studied by macroscopical, microscopical, physicochemical, phytochemical, fluorescence analysis of powder and other methods for standardization recommended by WHO. The pharmacognostic characters investigated, will help in identification of the crude drug; the standardization parameters set down will guarantee the viability of medication and furthermore recognize the medication from its adulterants. The particular characters will moreover be valuable for the arrangement of monograph of this plant.

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Saritha Kodithal (Primary Contact)
Murali R
Srinivasan N
Saritha Kodithal, Murali R, & Srinivasan N. (2021). Pharmocognostical and Phytochemical Evaluation of Stem of Artabotrys odoratissimus.(roxb.)R.Br.(Annonaceae). International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 12(1), 815–821. Retrieved from

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