The objective of this study is to analyse the antimycotic activity of pepper on the clinical isolates of Candida. The extracts were prepared in the following concentrations in sterile water. 5mg/ml and 10mg/ml and 20mg/ml. 100µl of an extract of different concentrations were loaded on sterile filter paper discs measuring 6mm in diameter, so that the concentration of the extract on each disc was 500µg, 1000 µg and 2000µg respectively. The discs were dried and kept aseptically. Screening of antifungal activity [dis diffusion technique]. The ethanolic extract of Piper nigrum was screened for antifungal activity by the disc diffusion method. Effect of three different concentrations (2000, 1000, 500, µg /disc) of the ethanolic extract Of Piper nigrum was tested against Candida albicans using disc diffusion technique. All the concentrations of the test solution inhibited the fungal species with varying degree of sensitivity. The inhibitory zone was measured with respect to the different concentration of the extracts which include 2000 µg/disc and 500 µg/disc at both room temperature and cold temperature (4-8°c). The inhibition zones were evaluated at 24 and 48 hrs. The result of this study revealed that the pepper oil has pronounced inhibitory activities against Candida albicans. This result is comparable with studies which have shown that Piper nigrum has a broad antibacterial activity. Since Piper nigrum is easily available and well-tolerated, it can be incorporated into medication for topical antifungal therapy as well.
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