To evaluate the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic activity of aerial parts of plant extracts and isolated compounds of Dyschoriste littoralis Nees (Fam: Acanthaceae). The drug materials were prepared by successive soxhlation of petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol. Analgesic activity was performed by tailflick technique in mice. The inflammatory reaction is readily produced in rats in the form of paw edema with the help of carrageenan (0.1 ml of 1% w/v) which was injected into the right hind paw sub-plantar region of rat to determine the anti-inflammatory effect. Pyrexia was induced by injecting subcutaneously 15% w/v 10 ml/kg yeast suspended in 0.5% w/v methyl cellulose solution into the animal’s dorsum region. Bioactive compounds were isolated by running column chromatography, characterized and percentage of activity of bioactive principle was calculated. The methanol extract at a dose of 600 mg/kg body (P<0.05) and isolated compound B (P<0.001) shown the more increase in percentage of activity than a reference diclofenac sodium (P<0.001). The isolated compounds A & B shows the reduction in body temperature within 30 min as that one and the same to standard drug paracetamol. DLME (methanolic extract) at a dose of 600 mg /kg exhibited a maximum percentage of activity in the dose dependent inhibition than DLEAE (ethyl acetate extract) on carrageenan-induced rat paw edema. These results suggest that the antipyretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory activity were may be due to its bioactive principle luteolin and quercetin present in the extract and reveals that Dyschoriste littoralis could be used as potential drug for the treatment of pain, fever and inflammation
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