Tumour cells continue to grow and multiply to form a mass or a tumour called tumour, which causes growth to develop pressure on neighbouring tissue and remove it and can invade and destroy normal cells to pass through to other tissue and vital organs. Smoking is one of the most important chemical causes of cancer. Tobacco smoke causes lung and respiratory diseases. Cigarette smoke contains many types of Mutagenic substances, including Nitrogen oxides, which cause damage to DNA (DNA) Some epidemiological studies have also pointed to the relationship of alcohol to prostate cancer. Alcoholic beverages also play an important role in the incidence of breast cancer by altering the level of estrogen in the blood. Alcoholic beverages also play an important role in the incidence of breast cancer by altering the level of estrogen in the blood. The process of DNA repair and then breast cancer also found that benzene and its derivatives cause a mutation in the p53 gene, and it was noted that they damage the DNA of lymphocytes in the surrounding human blood.
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