Osteoporosis is the systemic bone disease in which there is a slow decline in the mass of bone and there is the destruction of the microarchitecture of the tissue in the bone. In the world, this disease has today affected more than 2,000 million people. This study intends to find the effect of weight-bearing exercise to improve the functional mobility in the osteoporotic postmenopausal women. This study will take the post-treatment and pretreatment DEXA to find the role of weight-bearing exercise in increasing the bone mineral density. The study was done in OPD of saveetha medical college and hospital. The total number of sample in the study were 80 women's. The study design is a quasi-experimental study design. The convenient sampling was used. The inclusion and the exclusion criteria were fixed for the selection of the sample. The selected sample was allocated into two groups in which one group was an experimental group which received weight-bearing exercise, and the control group received the non-weight bearing exercise. The DEXA was done before and after treatment to find BMD. The outcomes were statistically analysed. The weight bearing exercise showed a better result in the experimental group than the control group. Post-treatment we could find there was a rise in the BMD. The study clearly shows that there is an increase in mobility after weight-bearing exercise. We strongly recommend the weight-bearing exercise in post-menopausal women to increase the bone mineral density.
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