To identify the cases of Dengue fever in children admitted to the pediatric ward with clinical presentations of febrile illness. To elaborate on the knowledge of dengue management with respect to its clinical manifestations. Methodology: The present study is a prospective observational study which has been conducted in RVS hospitals and Chittoor Government Hospital of Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India. The study was conducted between January 2017 and January 2018 in the department of paediatrics. The study population included the children admitted in the pediatric ward with presenting symptoms of febrile illness and other conditions like lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, shock features and haemorrhage, falling under the age of 1-14 years of age. No subjects of non-severe dengue have been subjected for platelet transfusion, whole fresh blood transfusion, dopamine and adrenaline. Whereas 9 subjects of severe dengue have been treated with platelet transfusion, 7 were treated with whole fresh blood transfusion, 3 have been given with dopamine and 6 were managed with adrenaline. Dengue is an acute febrile illness, can be better managed with prior investigation and confirmation of dengue serology. Raised SGOT investigation is the major laboratory parameter for differentiating non-severe and severe dengue. Thus, the study will improve and elaborates the knowledge for better management of dengue, which results in improved outcome.
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