Design and physico-chemical evaluation of cetirizine dihydrochloride transderml patches

Subramanian S. (1) , Rajkapoor B. (2) , Vijayaraghavan C. (3)
(1) Department of Pharmaceutics, PSG College of Pharmacy, Coimbatore-641004, Tamil Nadu, India, India ,
(2) Department of Pharmacology, Dayanandasagar College of Pharmacy, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, India ,
(3) Department of Pharmaceutics, PSG College of Pharmacy, Coimbatore-641004, Tamil Nadu, India, India


Transdermal therapeutic system of cetirizine dihydrochloride with different polymers like hydroxyl propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC), polyvinyl pyrolidine (PVP), ethyl cellulose(EC), either in individual or combination were used, with or without rate controlling membrane of 1%W/V of ethyl cellulose. All the patches were prepared by added 30%W/V of di butyl phthalate (DBP) as plasticizer to make the film flexible and free from brittleness and the solvent used was ethanol as common solvent. The prepared patches were evaluated for various physic-chemical parameters like thickness, weight variation, folding endurance, water absorption capacity, percentage moisture loss, percentage moisture absorption, weight variation, tensile strength & percentage elongation and drug content uniformity.

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Subramanian S. (Primary Contact)
Rajkapoor B.
Vijayaraghavan C.
Subramanian S., Rajkapoor B., & Vijayaraghavan C. (2011). Design and physico-chemical evaluation of cetirizine dihydrochloride transderml patches. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2(3), 518–520. Retrieved from

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