Mental disorders were associated with a wide range of chronic illnesses, disability, and even mortality, particularly among elderly people. Depression will be the second cause of disease. Anxiety is an emotional state of antipathy in which the sense of fear is disproportionate to the magnitude of the risk. Enzymatic antioxidants like SOD, GPx, and non-enzymatic antioxidants such as vitamin C, E act as free scavengers, thereby reducing oxidative stress and resulting in cell injury. Thus, we aimed to study SOD, GPx, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E, 1. To study levels of SOD, GPx, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E in psychiatric disorders.2. To study the levels of Vit-C and E before and after vitamin supplementations. To correlate the levels of SOD, GPx, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E between psychiatric patients and healthy controls (age-matched) attending AVBRH Wardha and SMHRC Nagpur. This cross-sectional examination was completed on 50 psychiatric patients and 50 healthy controls and the levels of SOD, GPx, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E are measured before and after giving supplements. In Psychiatric patients, Superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels were 135.26 ± 24.68, Glutathione Peroxidase levels were 1.591 ± 3.35, Vitamin C levels were 0.32 ± 0.11 and Vitamin E levels were 4.302 ± 1.54, which is lower than the normal range. The present study concludes that antioxidant plays a major role to fight against oxidative stress. So proper antioxidant should be taken.
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