Factor that should be considered in the use of irrigation is the loss of the smear layer on root canal walls. Therefore the prepared root canal can be irrigated using materials, such as EDTA 17% and 2,5% NaOCl and of extract Acanthus ilicifolius 7,5% and 10%. To determine the potential of extract Acanthus ilicifolius leaves as an alternative of root canal irrigation in removing smear layer at a concentratiom of 7,5% and 10%. The type of this study is a laboratory experimental with post-test only control group design. The total sample is 24 teeth samples that have been prepared and irrigated consisting of four groups. 6 samples for irrigation 7,5% extract Acanthus ilicifolius, 6 samples for irrigation 10% extract Acanthus ilicifolius, 6 positive control samples for combination 2,5% NaOCl and EDTA 17%, and 6 negative control samples. Shooting tool used to observe the cleanliness level in the walls of the root canal is a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Data were analyzed using Kappa statistics, followed by Kruskal wallis analysis test and continued with Mann-Whitney analysis. Acanthus ilicifolius 7.5% and 10% extracts can remove the smear layer when compared with the negative control group. The combination of 2.5% NaOCl and 17% EDTA is better in smear layer removal compared to 7.5% and 10% Acanthus ilicifolius extracts. Acanthus ilicifolius was able to clean the smear layer on the root canal and can be used as an alternative root canal irrigation.
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