Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are becoming a serious health issue across the world and conventional risk factors are associated with lifestyle behaviours in all age groups. According to WHO, heart diseases are rapidly increasing in India and it is noted that CVD is not having any boundaries in terms of sex, socioeconomic or geography. The present study is aimed to determine the awareness of cardiovascular risk factors among working women. Self-administered questionnaire was prepared based on cardiovascular risk factors and circulated through an online survey link. The sample size was about 109 working women. The purpose of the study was explained in detail to the participants. The collected data were statistically analyzed using SPSS software. 89.9% of the population thought that working women are more prone to cardiovascular risk factors and 10.1% thought that working women are not prone to CVDs. 60.6% of the participants responded that PCOS could be a risk factor and remaining 39.4% responded that it is not a risk factor for CVD. The entire population answered that a healthy lifestyle and diet could reduce the risk of CVD. The Pearson Chi-square analysis showed that there is no association between the age group of the respondents and awareness of cardiovascular risk factors. To conclude, the awareness of the cardiovascular risk factors among working women was satisfactory.
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