Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) is convenient, a one-time procedure, OP procedure, long-acting, cheap, having less side effects and reversal of fertility is soon after removal, makes it suitable temporary contraception. To improve its usage and to improve the Nation's economy by uplifting family health is by creating awareness among women. This can be achieved by counselling, health talks, educating them. These targets can be met during their visit to hospitals for general ailment or by public awareness programs. The objective of this study is to evaluate knowledge, awareness towards the IUCD among Indian women in the reproductive age group (18 to 45 years) in a tertiary care teaching hospital. A Cross-Sectional Mixed Research from January 2019 to June 2019 was done among patients in the age group of 18-45 years attending the outpatient department of a tertiary care teaching hospital. The analysed results showed only 63% of participants were aware about the need for birth spacing and limiting child birth. 47% of participants interviewed knew that the device is used to prevent pregnancy while the rest didn't even know what an IUCD is. This survey concludes poor awareness about the IUCD among women in the study group. We have to improve the awareness and usage of IUD with proper health education and counselling.
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