Evaluating the effectiveness of antiplatelet therapy of the patients with kidney disease

Nodir N Sultonov (1) , Maksud O Sabirov (2) , Mahsuma H Tashpulatova (3) , Lola I Maksudova (4)
(1) Department of Medical Care, Тashkent Medical Academy, Department Assistant and Hospital No 2, Farabi Tashkent UZ, 100109, The Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan ,
(2) Department of Stomatology, Tashkent State Dental institute, 103, Makhtumkuli street, Tashkent, 100047, The Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan ,
(3) Department of Medical Care, Тashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Bagishamal str, 223. Yunusabad region, Tashkent city Uzbekistan, 100140, Тashkent Medical Academy, The Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan ,
(4) Department of Pediatrics, Тashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Bagishamal str, 223. Yunusabad region, Tashkent city Uzbekistan, 100140, The Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan


The study has evaluated the effectiveness of antiplatelet therapy of patients with chronic kidney disease. The patients were divided into two groups when treating the disease, the first group was given allthrombosepin as antiplatelet therapy, and the second group was given dipyridamole. The research work was monitored for ten days, during which the amount of urea in the blood was 9.6% compared to healthy people and a decrease in the amount of creatinine to 7.52%. Aggregation of thrombocytes was observed in the first group by 10.23%, and 9.6% was in the second group. As can be seen from the results obtained, it has been proved that dipyridamole did not lag in effectiveness, which was taken from the factory as an antiplatelet therapy and was used with the locally developed allthrombosepin, as traditional treatment, while treating chronic kidney disease (CKD).

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Nodir N Sultonov
dr_nodir86@mail.ru (Primary Contact)
Maksud O Sabirov
Mahsuma H Tashpulatova
Lola I Maksudova
Nodir N Sultonov, Maksud O Sabirov, Mahsuma H Tashpulatova, & Lola I Maksudova. (2020). Evaluating the effectiveness of antiplatelet therapy of the patients with kidney disease. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(4), 6033–6038. Retrieved from https://ijrps.com/home/article/view/1313

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