Artava Kshaya is the condition in which the menstruation does not occur in its appropriate time, which can be correlated with oligomenorrhoea with Scanty Menstrual flow. Hypothyroidism is one of the causative factors of oligomenorrhoea, i.e. Artava Kshaya. The prevalence of hypothyroidism in the reproductive age group ranges from 2% to 4%. It affects female fertility in the form of menstrual irregularities, infertility and spontaneous first trimester miscarriages. In modern science, thyroxine is used for the management of hypothyroidism which is useful but with specific side effects. A 27 years old married female with the complaints of delayed and scanty menstrual flow for four years with an obstetric history of G1P1L1 & on 12.5 thyroxine tablet, visited the OPD. A urine pregnancy test was negative. Thyroid profile showed high TSH level, i.e. 9.23 uIU/ml and USG report showed small-sized Uterus with thin endometrium and very small-sized both ovaries without detectable follicles. Based on the symptoms and investigations, the patient was diagnosed as a case of Artava Kshaya with hypothyroidism. The principle of treatment was focused on Agnideepana, Strotoshodhana, Artava Pravartana and Vata Kapha Shamana. A treatment scenario was selected for the management, and follow up was done after every month.
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