Neuro-hormonal regulation of female reproductive system is a well-established theory till today which believes that Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone(GnRH) is the primary signal that control the activity of Anterior Pituitary Gonadotrops which regulates secretion of Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinzing Hormone (LH). Further FSH and LH regulate growth of ovarian follicle and their proper balance results in ovulation. There is consensus among experts about hypothalamus that secret GnRH is the primary site that regulates female reproductive physiology. Now researchers are focused on the factors regulating HPO axis. Since last one decade role of GIT in regulation of HPO axis became the area of interest for researchers. Various studies have been done showing relationship between GIT and HPO axis. In Ayurvedic samhitas artava dhatu and artava-vaha strotasas are considered as the factors regulating reproductive physiology. In present study literature review of Charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtanga Hridaya was done to understand concept of artava dhatu and its regulatory factors. It was found that artava dhatu is formed only after proper digestion. Various factors e.g. type of diet, life style and Agni (status of digestive capacity) having their role on digestion that indirectly influencing artava and artava-vaha strotas. It can be concludes that Ayurvedic concept of ahar, agni and digestion have their regulatory role on female reproductive physiology by regulating formation of artava dhatu.
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