Exercise based rehabilitation like intradialytic exercise program could improve the physical function through its contribution in maintaining electrolyte balance. The study was conducted with the aim to determine the effectiveness of intradialytic exercise on biochemical markers among patients on hemodialysis. Quasi experimental research design was embraced to conduct the study with 130 human samples who met the inclusion criteria in hemodialysis unit and samples allocated into experimental group (n=65) and control group (n=65) by convenience sampling technique. The demographic questionnaire was completed at the beginning of the study followed by pre-test for both the groups. Experimental group received intradialytic exercise during initial 2 hours of hemodialysis for 3months besides control group received the routine care. Post test was conducted at the end of 3rd month after the dialysis session. Data were analyzed using Sigma Plot 12 (Systat, USA). After 3 months of intradialytic exercise, a significant reduction was observed in serum creatinine, blood urea, serum potassium, serum phosphate and increase in serum calcium and hemoglobin at the level of p<0.001 in the experimental group. The study findings concluded that intradialytic exercise programme is safe, complementary intervention and do not cost the patient extra time and this effective care can be incorporated in the regular care of patients on hemodialysis.
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