Accurate Use of Prescription betters the well being of patients. It becomes very essential to study Prescription Writing practices. The main goal of the study was to study the Prescription writing Practices and to assess the gaps in Prescription Writing so that it would be beneficial to the Patients. The study was conducted attertiary care teaching hospital in Mysore for Period of 6 months. Data was collected by both Retrospective and Prospective ways, A total of 2825 prescriptions were randomly collected from out patients visiting the study site, and analyzed. Sixteen Criteria were analyzed pertaining to the Prescription writing Practices the most significant criteria for Clinical diagnosis, which is crucial for avoiding misdistribution of drug to patients was missing in majority of the prescriptions. Prescribers initials, Seal with MRC of the prescriber in 6 months data it was seen that most of criteria which is mandated by MCI (medical council of India) not being followed by physicians. The study recommends for Medical Practitioners to follow the MCI Protocol in order to avoid errors in Prescription.
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