SEAS Exercise to Treat Scoliosis and Improve Functional Activities in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy

Sathish G (1) , Swarnakumari P (2) , Ramya R (3)
(1) White Memorial College of Physiotherapy, Kanniyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India/ Research Scholar, Department of Rehabilitation Science, Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli-620 002, Tamil Nadu, India, India ,
(2) Department of Rehabilitation Science, Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Tiruchirapalli-620 002, Tamil Nadu, India, India ,
(3) White Memorial College of Physiotherapy, Kanniyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India, India


SEAS exercise to improve functional activities among the children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy children. Single group pre post experimental research design. Cerebral paralysis is a static encephalopathy which affects the immature brain and leads to permanent motor disability. Due to a combination of spasticity, muscle weakness and incompletion of muscle control, the spinal deformity occurs in rising patients with CP; it can lead to poor balance in the trunk and significantly limits patient function. SEAS exercise capacity to enhance the self-corrected posture by concentrating during everyday activities. Eighty eight subjects of spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsied children, aged 6-12, male and female with scoliosis were selected under purposive sampling technique and received SEAS exercise training for a period of eight weeks. pre and post outcome measures were assessed using Modified Ashworth scale and Scoliometer to measure the functional activity in the children Pediatric balance scale, functional gait assessment and Gross motor function were used. Significant changes in spasticity and scoliosis were observed, and functional parameters were increased. The results of the post-test mean values for all SEAS variables demonstrated substantial improved balance, reduced scoliosis and gross motor functions in those receiving SEAS protocol (p<0.05). The SEAS exercise proves there was a decrease in scoliosis and their by improvement in functional abilities among children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy after eight weeks of intervention.

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Sathish G (Primary Contact)
Swarnakumari P
Ramya R
Sathish G, Swarnakumari P, & Ramya R. (2020). SEAS Exercise to Treat Scoliosis and Improve Functional Activities in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(3), 3362–3366. Retrieved from

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