Evidence Based Support to Assess the Role of Miasm and Establish the Curative Efficacy of Homoeopathic Antimiasmatic Similimum Medicines in the Cases of Hyperlipidaemia-A Case Study

Bhavita Malvi (1) , Prasanth .R. Krishnan (2)
(1) Department of Anatomy, Parul Institute of Homoeopathy & Research, Vadodara, Gujarat, India, India ,
(2) Department of Dravyaguna, Parul Institute of Ayurved & Research, Parul University Vadodara, Gujarat, India, India


Hyperlipidaemia is ametabolic disorder and its prevalence worldwide is a biggest health issue in 21st century. This is more due to the life style in current era. Hyperlipidaemia is disorder with a fundamental cause that Hahnemann has mentioned as miasm. There is high prevalence of hyperlipidaemia in urban slum population in North India. According to prodigy guidance for hyperlipidaemia in UK shows there is high chance of hyperlipidaemia in diabetics and prevalence ratio is 10.3% and prevalence of hyperlipidaemia based on BMI study is more in female than in males. Appreciable prevalence of obesity, hyperlipidaemia, substantial increase in body fat (generalized and regional obesity) in middle age particularly in female need immediate attention in terms of prevalence of this disorder. Hyperlipidaemia and its prevalence worldwide is biggest health issue in 21st century. This is the metabolic disorder which is more due to life style in current era. Hyperlipidaemia is a disease syndrome with multiple causative factors that includes genetic, lifestyle and stress. In today’s world most deaths are attributed to non-communicable diseases and over half of these are the result of cardiovascular diseases, heart disease and stroke are the first and second cause of death in developed countries. WHO has drawn attention to the fact that coronary heart disease is our modern epidemic. Here we want to give deep insight to the cases of hyperlipidaemia and want to emphasize more over miasmaticdyscrasia, which is a crucial part of homoeopathic treatment and helps in permanent restoration of health and prevent the complications like coronary heart disease, cardiovascular accident, uncontrolled hypertension, aortic stenosis, stricture, etc.

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Bhavita Malvi
dr.bhavitamalvi@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Prasanth .R. Krishnan
Bhavita Malvi, & Prasanth .R. Krishnan. (2020). Evidence Based Support to Assess the Role of Miasm and Establish the Curative Efficacy of Homoeopathic Antimiasmatic Similimum Medicines in the Cases of Hyperlipidaemia-A Case Study. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(3), 3294–3299. Retrieved from https://ijrps.com/home/article/view/665

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