Deciphering the Effect of Hydro-alcoholic extract of Cymodocea serrulata on the Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis

Kalpana C S (1) , Kalaivani P (2) , Vanitha V (3)
(1) Department of Biochemistry, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Chennai, Tamilnadu-600117, India, India ,
(2) Department of Biochemistry, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Chennai, Tamilnadu-600117, India, India ,
(3) Department of Biochemistry, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Chennai, Tamilnadu-600117, India, India


Liver cancer is the most common cancer both in men and women. Hepato carcinoma is caused due to chemicals, food and also by even some drugs. Many therapies and therapeutic agents show side effects of liver cancer. A natural medicine Cymodoceae serrulata, seagrass under Cymodoceaceae family, found in the subtidal region may prove a source of benefit to avoid such side effects. Hydro ethanol extract of Cymodoceae serrulata shows high antioxidant and pharmacological activities, which may be used for the treatment of liver cancer. The earlier stage of Apoptosis can be identified by the nuclear changes such as DNA fragmentation. Propidium iodide can determine the proportion of cell cycle analysis—Annexin V conjugated to fluorochromes, including FITC. When the HepG2 test sample treated with the drug Cymodoceae serrulata, viable cell growth is significantly reduced compared to the standard camptothecin, which is an antitumor agent. Percentage of viable cell count declined significantly to 5.38%, and the percentage of the late apoptotic cell increased impressively 42.08%.

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Kalpana C S
Kalaivani P
Vanitha V (Primary Contact)
Kalpana C S, Kalaivani P, & Vanitha V. (2020). Deciphering the Effect of Hydro-alcoholic extract of Cymodocea serrulata on the Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(3), 3261–3271. Retrieved from

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