Phytochemical screening, antioxidant and antilithiasis activities of Juncus acutus

Zineb Aliat (1) , Lamyae Yachi (2) , Houda Attjioui (3) , Amine Cheikh (4) , Miloud EL Karbane (5) , Rachid Nejjari (6) , Mustapha Bouatia (7)
(1) Department of Medicine and Pharmacy, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry Mohammed V University- Rabat, Morocco, Morocco ,
(2) Department of Medicine and Pharmacy, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry Mohammed V University- Rabat, Morocco, Morocco ,
(3) Department of Medicine and Pharmacy, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry Mohammed V University- Rabat, Morocco, Morocco ,
(4) Department of Pharmacy Abulcasis University-Rabat, Morocco, Morocco ,
(5) Department of Medicine and Pharmacy, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry Mohammed V University- Rabat, Morocco, Morocco ,
(6) Department of Medicine and Pharmacy, Team of Formulation and Quality Control of Health Products Mohammed V University- Rabat, Morocco, Morocco ,
(7) Department of Medicine and Pharmacy, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry Mohammed V University- Rabat, Morocco, Morocco


The objective of this work was to perform a phytochemical screening of Juncus acutus and to evaluate its antioxidant activity and antilithiasis activity. Phytochemical screening has demonstrated the presence of catechin, tannins and alkaloids in the various extracts studied. The antioxidant activity of the methanolic and ethyl acetate extracts by ultrasound and maceration was evaluated by the method of DPPH, FRAP and phosphomolybdate. The ethyl acetate extract by ultrasound, the methanolic extract by maceration and ultra sound respectively showed IC 50 with DPPH of 1,449mg / ml, 1,535mg / ml and 4,771mg / ml and a reducing power was observed at concentrations of 419,561mgBHA /100g, 207,143mgBHA /100g and 142,20mgBHA /100g by FRAP and at concentrations of 839,470mgAAE/100g, 283,260mgAAE/100g and 141,018mgAAE/100g by the phosphomolybdate test. The determination of the total polyphenols of the ethyl acetate extract by ultrasound, the methanolic extract by maceration and by ultrasound presented respectively contents of 2,428 mg GAE / g, 1,960mg GAE / g and 1,172mg GAE / g, likewise, the flavonoid assay showed respectively concentrations of 14,469mg EQ/g, 6,466 mg EQ/g and 3,143 mg EQ/g. Antilithiasis activity was evaluated on carbapatite, cystine and uric acid stones. The mass loss of uric acid, carbapatite and cystine stones was respectively 42%, 7% and 16%.

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Zineb Aliat (Primary Contact)
Lamyae Yachi
Houda Attjioui
Amine Cheikh
Miloud EL Karbane
Rachid Nejjari
Mustapha Bouatia
Zineb Aliat, Lamyae Yachi, Houda Attjioui, Amine Cheikh, Miloud EL Karbane, Rachid Nejjari, & Mustapha Bouatia. (2020). Phytochemical screening, antioxidant and antilithiasis activities of Juncus acutus. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(3), 3075–3083. Retrieved from

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