Impact of Unhealthy Psycho Social Environment on Adolescent Mental Health Causes Emotional and Behavioural Problems

Valarmathi V (1) , Thirunavukarasu M (2) , Kanniammal C (3)
(1) SRM College of Nursing, SRM IST, Kattankulathur, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, India ,
(2) Department of Psychiatry, SRM MCH & RC, SRM IST, Kattankulathur, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, India ,
(3) SRM College of Nursing, SRM IST, Kattankulathur, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, India


Adolescence is a most crucial period in a person’s life because influence of neuro endocrine hormones, the brain undergoing maturation process of neuroplasticity at the sametime adolescents has more expectations in educations and achievements in life. The brain immaturity and emotional turmoil of adolescents under developmental crisis who need safe and nurturing environment. It is essential for adolescents to grow up in to a well adjusted person. The aim of this study to assess the influence of psychosocial stressors on adolescent mental health. This study conducted in selected schools at Kanchipuram District, Chennai. A mixed method research design was used for collecting data from 8th to 12th standard students’ age between 13-17 years. The stratified random sampling technique was used to collect data from 100 samples with help of the standard tool child behaviour check list (CBCL) YSR 11-18year1. The result revealed that in comparing the CBCL score between the male and female adolescents having significant difference in rule breaking behaviour p<0.003 and thought problems p<0.001. Out of 100 samples 10 Adolescents were willing to share their problems were selected to discuss their emotional and behavioural problems and expressed their stressors and found the stressors such as poor parental relationship (alcoholic father), insecure home environment, peer pressure, inadequate economical support and academic pressure lead them for loneliness, inferiority, hopelessness, anxiety, involvement of immoral behaviors.

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Valarmathi V (Primary Contact)
Thirunavukarasu M
Kanniammal C
Valarmathi V, Thirunavukarasu M, & Kanniammal C. (2020). Impact of Unhealthy Psycho Social Environment on Adolescent Mental Health Causes Emotional and Behavioural Problems. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(3), 3009–3016. Retrieved from

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