Studies on antioxidant activity of different extracts of aerial parts of Cadaba farinose Forsk: An in-vitro techniques

Jambula Dinesh Babu (1) , Venugopalan Santhosh Kumar (2)
(1) Research scholar, Department of Pharmacology, School of Pharmaceutical sciences, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and advanced studies, Pallavaram, Chennai-600117, Tamilnadu, India, India ,
(2) Department of Pharmacology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Chennai-600117, Tamilnadu, India, India


Cadaba farinosa (family Capparidaceae) is generally known as “Indian cadaba” in the traditional ayurvedic system. The current study, aerial parts of different concentrates (Pet.ether, ethyl acetate and methanol) of Cadaba farinose was evaluated for its in-vitro antioxidant potential by Diphenylpicrylhydrazyl radical, and total antioxidant activity taking ascorbate as standard and superoxide radical activity taking Quercetin as the standard for the in-vitro methods. The methanolic concentrates of Cadaba farinose & ascorbic acid exhibited antioxidant potential possessing IC50 208µg/ml & 66µg/ml (Diphenylpicrylhydrazyl radical), 188µg/ml & 57µg/ml (total antioxidant). The methanolic concentrates of Cadaba farinose & quercetin exhibited antioxidant potential possessing IC50 252µg/ml & 60µg/ml (superoxide radical). The IC50 value was originated that methanolic concentrates of Cadaba farinose more efficient in Diphenylpicrylhydrazyl radical, superoxide radical activity, total antioxidant activity compared EA & PE concentrates. The difference in scavenging potential of the extracts can be due to variation in the percentage of bioactive compound present in different solvents. Invitro antioxidant studies show methanolic concentrates of Cadaba farinose have better antioxidant activity. This result indicates that aerial parts of methanolic concentrate Cadaba farinose could serve as a natural antioxidant, which may be useful in preventing free radical-induced diseases.

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Jambula Dinesh Babu
Venugopalan Santhosh Kumar (Primary Contact)
Jambula Dinesh Babu, & Venugopalan Santhosh Kumar. (2020). Studies on antioxidant activity of different extracts of aerial parts of Cadaba farinose Forsk: An in-vitro techniques. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(3), 2986–2992. Retrieved from

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