Growth hormone receptor and histopathological study in patients with Tonsillitis

Nuha SH. Ali (1)
(1) Department of Basic Sciences, College of Dentistry, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Diwaniyah, Iraq, Iraq


The goal of the present study was to investigate the relationship between tonsillitis and growth factor in children by determining the gene expression of growth hormone receptor (GHR) in tonsils using real-time PCR (RT-PCR) as well as investigating the histopathological changes that are induced by tonsillitis. The study was done via taking samples from extirpated tonsils of 20 children which are divided according to the age into two groups, under and older than 10 years old. The samples-based mRNA was subjected to RT-PCR technique to target the GHR gene. The samples were further examined to explore the histopathological changes using tissue sectioning. The histopathological changes revealed necrosis, erosion, hyperplasia, aggregation of collagenous fibers, and the presence of lobulated tonsils. These results show evidence that the activity of the GHR gene in female patients, less than 10 years of old, is higher than that in male patients, while it is higher in male than female patients of older than 10 years of old.

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Nuha SH. Ali (Primary Contact)
Nuha SH. Ali. (2023). Growth hormone receptor and histopathological study in patients with Tonsillitis. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 8(4), 798–803. Retrieved from

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