Potential Pharmaceutical Uses of Algal Residues of the European Third Generation Biofuels Sector

Billel Djeghri (1) , Nousseiba Hedid (2)
(1) Constantine 2 Abdelhamid Mehri University, Constantine, Algeria, Algeria ,
(2) Constantine 3 Salah Boubnider University, Constantine, Algeria, Algeria


The international gas crisis, the scarcity of oil and climatic upheavals has accelerated the development of alternative energy sources in Europe, such as algal biomass. This paper mainly aims to assess the potential uses of algal residues from the production of 3rd generation biofuels in the European pharmaceutical industry. It highlighted the antiviral activity and the antioxidant power of residual algal biomass from the production of 3rd generation biofuels in Europe. A residual algal biomass which also seems to carry molecules of interest in the pharmaceutical field since it could in the future constitute the basic component in the production of drugs on a large scale in Europe.

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Billel Djeghri
billel.djeghri@univ-constantine2.dz (Primary Contact)
Nousseiba Hedid
Billel Djeghri, & Nousseiba Hedid. (2023). Potential Pharmaceutical Uses of Algal Residues of the European Third Generation Biofuels Sector. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 14(2), 106–115. https://doi.org/10.26452/ijrps.v14i2.4286

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