Immunomodulatory Activity Test of Syrup Dosage Form of Combination Phyllantus niruri Linn. And Sterculia quadrifida R.Br. Extract

Rollando Rollando (1) , Mauren Engracia (2) , Eva Monica (3) , Siswadi Siswadi (4)
(1) Pharmacy Program, Science and Technology Faculty of Ma Chung University Villa PuncakTidar N-01 Malang, Jawa Timur-65163, Indonesia , Indonesia ,
(2) Pharmacy Program, Science and Technology Faculty of Ma Chung University Villa PuncakTidar N-01 Malang, Jawa Timur-65163, Indonesia , Indonesia ,
(3) Pharmacy Program, Science and Technology Faculty of Ma Chung University Villa PuncakTidar N-01 Malang, Jawa Timur- 65163, Indonesia, Indonesia ,
(4) Kupang Environment and Forestry Research and Development Institute, Kupang, Indonesia, Indonesia


Meniran (Phyllantus niruri Linn.) is used generally as an immunomodulator and hepatoprotector. Empirically, bark of faloak (Sterculiaqudrifida R.Br.) is used as a medicinal plant to cure diseases such as hepatitis, gastroentritis, and diabetes. The combination of meniran extract and bark of faloak extract has the potential as a natural immunomodulatory agents. Immunomodulators are compositions of either recombinant, synthetic, or natural, which can restore the immune system. Therefore it is necessary to optimize the optimal formula in obtaining syrup preparations which have optimal immunomodulatory activity. The aim of this study was to find out the optimal syrup combination of meniran extract and faloak bark extract to produce optimal response values ​​in the in vitro immunomodulatory activity test with TNF-α and NF-κB parameters, and immunomodulatory activity tests in vivo with activity parameters macrophages. The extract was obtained through reflux extraction. The results of the extract were formulated and approved to determine their ability to induce TNF-α and NF-κB, and in the test of mice balb/b (Mus musculus L.) orally for 21 days. The lymph organs were isolated, rinsed with an RPMI-1640 solution, and analyzed using ELISA reader 450 nm. The determination of optimal formulas is done by using Rstudio v.3.5.3 software with ANOVA test parametric test and using Design Expert v.11 software using the Simplex Lattice Design (SLD) method. The results showed that the formula for the preparation of combination syrup to produce results induced TNF-α and NF-κB, and macrophage activity, namely the formula using meniran and faloak 0.96993: 0.0300704.

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Rollando Rollando (Primary Contact)
Mauren Engracia
Eva Monica
Siswadi Siswadi
Rollando Rollando, Mauren Engracia, Eva Monica, & Siswadi Siswadi. (2020). Immunomodulatory Activity Test of Syrup Dosage Form of Combination Phyllantus niruri Linn. And Sterculia quadrifida R.Br. Extract. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(1), 191–199. Retrieved from

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