The level of pharmacological culture among students of the Faculty of Education

Wijdan Nader Oudah (1) , Buthaynah Shaheed Yaser (2) , Feryal Ali Hamzah (3) , Hadi Katfan Shoun (4)
(1) College of Education, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq, Iraq ,
(2) College of Nursing, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq, Iraq ,
(3) College of Medicine, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq, Iraq ,
(4) College of Education, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq, Iraq


In light of the scientific progress and rapid technological development in the field of health and scientific discoveries and the production of many kinds of pharmaceuticals and chemicals, so there is an urgent need for quality in how to use the medicine and its benefits and effects and how to use so as not to become a dangerous threat to the health of the individual, which negatively affects the progress of the state and its development. All aspects of this study were to identify the level of pharmacological culture among students as well as to detect the significance of cultural differences in the students of the Faculty of Education according to the gender variable (male, female) and also the objectives of detecting the significance of differences of the international culture Faculty of Education according to specialization (scientific, human). In order to achieve the objectives of the research, a tool was developed to measure the level of the drug culture. This study adopted a measurement and after exposure to a group of 100 students for the academic year 2016-2017 from the period 25-5-2016 - 27-5-2016. The results were in favor of scientific specialization. Based on these results, the researchers presented recommendations and recommendations, including the subject of culture And the dissemination of awareness among the students through the establishment of symphonies, workshops and cultural seminars on the importance of medicine and its effects on the human and activating the role of the media as it plays a significant role in the dissemination of pharmaceutical culture between the purchase of the community and the most important proposals is a study on the pharmaceutical culture on the slides and other stages of study.

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Wijdan Nader Oudah
Buthaynah Shaheed Yaser (Primary Contact)
Feryal Ali Hamzah
Hadi Katfan Shoun
Wijdan Nader Oudah, Buthaynah Shaheed Yaser, Feryal Ali Hamzah, & Hadi Katfan Shoun. (2018). The level of pharmacological culture among students of the Faculty of Education. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 9(2), 396–399. Retrieved from

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