An experimental study to assess the effectiveness of fresh amla juice with elemental iron versus elemental iron supplementation on anemia among adolescent girls in selected school at Chennai

Devi JK (1) , Jainvanitha (2) , Fabiola Dharaj (3)
(1) Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, India ,
(2) GRT College of Nursing, Thirutani, Tamil Nadu, India, India ,
(3) Meenakshi College of Nursing, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India, India


The present study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of fresh amla juice with elemental iron versus elemental iron supplementation on anaemia among adolescent girls in selected school at Chennai. A total of 50 adolescent girls within the age group of 13-16 years with mild to moderate anaemia from selected schools in Chennai were part of the study after obtaining the written informed consent and assent as per guidelines. After recruiting, the participants were randomly grouped into two groups. Group 1: (n=25) 20ml fresh amla juice was given before lunch daily for 30 days and elemental iron 100 mg per week. Group 2: (n=25) 100mg of elemental iron per week for 30 days. Result – after intervention in the experimental group I the mean haemoglobin level increased (1.03gm/dl) than in control group II. The present study pro- vides further evidence for the beneficial effects of amla juice in the management of anaemia. It concluded that fresh amla juice helps in iron absorption thereby increasing the HB level in experimental group I. We recommend further detailed studies in this area to recommend amla juice as a nutritive supplement for the management of anaemia.

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Devi JK (Primary Contact)
Fabiola Dharaj
Devi JK, Jainvanitha, & Fabiola Dharaj. (2019). An experimental study to assess the effectiveness of fresh amla juice with elemental iron versus elemental iron supplementation on anemia among adolescent girls in selected school at Chennai. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10(2), 1259–1265. Retrieved from

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