Diarid is an Ayurvedic antidiabetic drug. Questions and concerns are being raised nowadays on such Ayurveda formulations with their composition for safety aspects. Though, these are being used safely in without any noticeable untoward effects; there is a need to generate scientific evidence that these are safe and non-toxic. The drugs can usually be detoxified, but some of them can be bio activated become more toxic. The liver often the target organ, most toxicants enter the body through the gastrointestinal tract and after absorption they are carried by the hepatic portal vein in the liver. The toxicology of the liver is complicated by the variety of liver injuries and by the different mechanisms through which the injuries are induced. In the present study, the safety profile of Diarid is tested for acute toxicity, Diarid was administered at a maximal dose of 600 mg/kg to overnight fasted rats and observed closely for behavioural changes, signs of toxicity and mortality if any, continuously for the first six hours and thereafter periodically up to 45 days. Animals were sacrificed on the 46th day. Biochemical parameters and were studied in both serum and liver tissue. In acute toxicity, Diarid at the dose of 600 mg/kg did not produce any observable toxic effects or mortality. No pathological changes on different biochemical parameters in serum and liver homogenate. Based on these observations, it can be concluded that Diarid is safe at therapeutic dose levels.
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