The effect of immersion different dietary media on the stretched clear elastic chains: An in vitro study

Athraa A Abass (1)
(1) Department of Prosthodontic, College of Dentistry, University of Kerbala, Iraq, Iraq


Discoloration of clear elastic modules and chains remains an issue which concerns both orthodontics and patients when the increasing demand on esthetic orthodontic appliances. This study was conducted for evaluating the effect of exposing stretched clear elastic chains to three types of dietary media (turmeric, tea and coffee) from six different companies (Ortho Technology, Opal, Ortho Organizer, American Orthodontics, Ormco and G&H). The short type elastomeric chains were cutting about 960 of its lengths from six different companies; 160 pieces from each brand. The specimens were stretched 50%, placed on plastic boards, and incubating at (37°C) in water for (1) day, (7) days, (14) days and (28) days. Once a day, the cutting pieces were immersed in the dietary testing media for ten minutes, washed and then returned to the water container. Color measurements were made before and after incubation of the specimens. The data were statistically analysed using ANOVA and LSD tests. Elastic chains from Ormco, Ortho Organizers and Ortho Technology had the least prone to discoloration, and AO, Opal and G&H companies had the most brands prone to discoloration. Tea, coffee and turmeric solutions discolored elastomeric chains from all companies in a variable degree. However, turmeric caused significantly more discoloration, followed by tea and least by coffee. Most of the discoloration caused by turmeric is in the first day and reaches a plateau at a week, while the amount of discoloration caused by tea and coffee increases gradually to peak at (28) days. Consumption of certain dietary media such as tea, turmeric and coffee caused discoloration of clear elastomeric chains. The range of discoloration increased over time.

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Athraa A Abass (Primary Contact)
Athraa A Abass. (2019). The effect of immersion different dietary media on the stretched clear elastic chains: An in vitro study. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10(2), 1069–1076. Retrieved from

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