The present study focuses on the Herb-Drug interactions. In treating Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Cefuroxime Axetil is prescribed along with a herbal alkalizer as an adjuvant therapy. Herbal alkalizer is use to detoxify excretable urinary substances and thus reducing the irritation during micturation and also to reduce urinary obstruction in respective case. The samples were analyzed according to United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) methods. In this study the in vitro dissolution test and TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) were performed. The dissolution studies include the determination of percent release of Cefuroxime Axetil alone and Cefuroxime Axetil in presence of Herbal alkalizer syrup. The study reveals that, the release of Cefuroxime Axetil in presence of Herbal alkailizer and Cefuroxime Axetil alone almost same. Different mathematical models were adopted to explore into the release kinetics. It was found from multiple coefficients (r2) that at simulated gastric medium of pH 1.2, acetate buffer of pH 4.5 and simulated intestinal media at pH 6.8, the release kinetics followed by drug alone and in presence of herbal related to Higuchi release kinetics. By evaluating TLC the possibility of drug interactions between Cefuroxime Axetil (CA) and Herbal alkailizer was not observed.
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