Bio chemical alterations due to the impact of lead nitrate in sublethal levels on muscle and liver tissues of an economically important marine fish Mystus gulio (Hamilton)

Palani Kumar S (1) , Marimuthu S (2) , Sharahdamma A.S (3)
(1) M.S. Horticulture, Kurngulam east, Thanjavur 613007, Tamil Nadu, India, India ,
(2) Department of Surgery, Thanjavur Medical College, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India, India ,
(3) Govt PHC, Sillathur, Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu, India, India


 In this study, the Marine fish Mystus gulio subjected to lead nitrate toxicity under three sublethal concentrations (09.60 mg/L, 15.50 mg/L and 26.50 mg/L)for 24 hrs, 48 hrs 72 hrs and 96 hrs . The vital organs Muscle and Liver were dissected from M.gulio and processed for biochemical assay. The result of Lead nitrate treated fish tissue shows a decrease in the level of Protein, Carbohydrate and Lipid comparing to the control fish. The depletion re- sults of Protein in Muscle from 69.10 to 56.48 in male and 69.55 to 55.60 percent in female, Carbohydrate from 16.52 to 13.65 Percent in male and 16.81 to 13.34 percent in female and Lipid from17.70 to 12.00 percent in male and 18.21 to 13.50 percentage in female, similarly the liver tissue shows depletion of protein from 50.15 to 41.12 percent in male and 52.00 to 43.05 percent in female, Carbohydrate from 25.15 to 20.48 percent in male and 25.44 to 19.60 percent in female Lipid shows from 21.78 to 17.86 percent in male and 20.06 to 17.00 percent in female. This shows depletion of three biochemical components due to the impact of Lead nitrate toxicity. Impact of Lead nitrate leads to active depletion of biochemical components of protein carbohydrate and Lipid resulting in accelerated metabolism.

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Palani Kumar S (Primary Contact)
Marimuthu S
Sharahdamma A.S
Palani Kumar S, Marimuthu S, & Sharahdamma A.S. (2012). Bio chemical alterations due to the impact of lead nitrate in sublethal levels on muscle and liver tissues of an economically important marine fish Mystus gulio (Hamilton). International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3(3), 422–425. Retrieved from

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