The present study was designated to evaluate the antibacterial activities of stem bark and leaves extracts of Ficus mollis Vahl. Ficus mollis (Vahl) belonging to the family Moraceae. Which is a monoecious evergreen large size tree. Branchlets fulvous with small several tomentosa. It is also used as folk medicine. The decoction of leaves of Ficus mollis used for ear ache. The antimicrobial activities of the extracts against 9 laboratory strains belong bacterial species were tested by using disc diffusion assay. Ciprofloxacin used as a standard drug to compare the all extracts of Ficus mollis vahl. All aerial parts of Ficus mollis vahl shows antibacterial activity against the gram positive and gram negative microorganisms. While comparing the leaves and stem bark extracts for anti-bacterial activity, the leaves extract having the better activity. Methanol extract showed stronger and broader spectrum of antimicrobial activity as compared to other extracts.
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