Stem cells are undifferentiated cells with the ability to divide and give rise to identical and undifferentiated cells. Stem cells are most generally used in treating complicated diseases. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is a life saving treatment for numerous diseases. This survey shows that there is a great importance towards stem cell therapies among college students.This study is done to create awareness on therapeutic potential of stem cells among college students. The present study consists of self structured questionnaire administered to 100 college students through online google forms link. The data was collected and statistically analysed using SPSS software. The majority of the study population was aware of stem cell therapies. 56.4% of the respondents have therapeutic potential knowledge on stem cells and 54.4% of the respondents have knowledge on existing uses of stem cells. From the survey we may conclude that most of the college students were aware and have prior knowledge of the therapeutic potential of stem cells in health and disease.
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