Evaluation of an echocardiogram in the preclinical stage of valve endocardiosis in dogs using an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor and an aldosterone antagonist

Vyacheslav V. Annikov (1) , Anton S. Mikhalkin (2) , Lyudmila V. Annikova (3) , Alla V. Yegunova (4)
(1) Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov, Theater Square 1, Saratov city-410012, Russia, Russian Federation ,
(2) Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov, Theater Square 1, Saratov city-410012, Russia, Russian Federation ,
(3) Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov, Theater Square 1, Saratov city-410012, Russia, Russian Federation ,
(4) Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov, Theater Square 1, Saratov city-410012, Russia, Russian Federation


The article presents the results of a study of the dynamics of ultrasonographic changes in dogs with endocardial atrioventricular valve endocardiosis during therapy with an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor and aldosterone antagonist. The authors also propose a new method for estimating the cubic volume of the left atrium based on the "area-length" method borrowed from humane medicine and correlation with the routine estimation method for measuring the size of the aorta and left atrium with further calculations of the dynamic index for assessing the remodeling processes. It has shown that the appearance of diastolic dysfunction by the type of slowing down the relaxation of the transmitral flow in the left apical four-chamber projection characterized by a decrease in the ratio of early diastolic filling (peak E) and filling due to systole of the left atrium (peak A) and an increase in the time of early diastolic filling (DTE) were determined at the beginning of the disease. However, changes in the trans mitral diastolic flow after 6 months took the form of "pseudonormalization", which was seen in the Dopplerogram as normalization of the ratio of early diastolic filling (peak E) and an increase in filling due to left atrial systole (peak A) and time of early diastolic filling (DTE). After 12 months of therapy, the diastolic flow through the mitral valve in the Group 1 and partly in the Group 2 became "restrictive", characterized by an increase in the ratio of early diastolic filling (peak E) and filling due to systole of the left atrium (peak A) and a decrease in the time of early diastolic filling (DTE). However, the authors found that the appearance of diastolic dysfunction, an increase in the left atrium and a dynamic remodeling index directly correlate with the onset of the clinical manifestation of endocardiosis.

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Vyacheslav V. Annikov
Anton S. Mikhalkin
Smolentsev82@mail.ru (Primary Contact)
Lyudmila V. Annikova
Alla V. Yegunova
Vyacheslav V. Annikov, Anton S. Mikhalkin, Lyudmila V. Annikova, & Alla V. Yegunova. (2019). Evaluation of an echocardiogram in the preclinical stage of valve endocardiosis in dogs using an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor and an aldosterone antagonist . International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10(4), 2907–2913. Retrieved from https://ijrps.com/home/article/view/2842

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