Speech is considered as a basic fundamental means of communication, which makes the human being superior than other forms of life. Speech and language therapist judgement of speech is consider as the most perfect because the assessment is mainly subjective and it depends on the perception of individual. This will involve both assessment of the intelligibility and quality of the patient’s speech, and observation of the visible aspects of articulation. The best way is to use perpetual assessment, to highlight potential areas of difficulty, then objective, instrumental assessment of these areas, to confirm the nature and severity of their involvement. Correlation of the vocal signal changes with the characteristics of the prosthesis and the specific types of errors in the prosthetic act would be an essential achievement in the way of improving the outcome of the prosthetic action. It is the responsibility of the prosthodontist to construct dentures as accurately as possible, so as to improve speech sound production with dentures, minimize the period of adaptation and thereby, increase the self-confidence of the patient. For this its very important to have knowledge about assessment of speech. Since past many years clinicians have faced problems in assessing speech. In this article clinical application of speech test in relation to complete dentures have been highlighted.
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