Skin diseases are commonly observed due to altered lifestyle, lack of physical exercise, poor hygiene, mental stress and improper food habits. Kushta (Skin diseases) is divided into Maha Kushta (Major skin diseases) and Kshudra Kushta (Minor skin disease). Kitibha Kushta (Plaque Psoriasis) is included in Kshudra Kushta commonly found today, having sign and symptoms similar to Plaque psoriasis. Due to relapsing nature of Plaque psoriasis it needs long duration treatment. Ayurveda provides long lasting results by treating the disease and preventing reoccurrence. In this case study, a 43 years old male came to OPD of Kayachikitsa with chief complaint of Kandu (Itching), dry silvery white patches over left leg treated with Shodhana Chikitsa (Body purification treatment) using Vaman Karma (Therapeutic Emesis) and Shaman Chikitsa (Alleviating treatment) using internally Gandhaka Rasayana, Panchatikta Ghrita and S-kin powder, Shabsoria Oil for external application for 1 month. The PASI score was 14.4. Before treatment, after 15 days it was 7.4 and after 30 days it was reduced to 0. Patient got relief in the symptoms. Better result achieved in this case using Shodhana Chikitsa and Shaman Chikitsa along with Bahirparimarjan Chikitsa (External application).
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