This study is about to discover the consequences of 4G mobile phone emission on MDA, anti-oxidants, antioxidant marker, and histo-pathological variations in the kidney of rats.144 male rats were separated into four groups. The Group I is considered as the control group, Group II was subjected to mobile radiation 2400 MHz frequency range for 3 hours/day for the period of 6 months, Group III was as same as Group II but treated with 250 mg/kg aqueous extract of Withania somnifera root (Aq-Wsr) orally for 6 months. Group IV was given 250 mg/kg Aq-Wsr alone for 6 months. The animals were euthanized and the kidneys cells have been evaluated for antioxidant and histo-pathological parameters. Results of the study demonstrated that the LPO were significantly raised (p < 0.05) while SOD, CAT, GSH and GPx were significantly lowered (p < 0.05) in the EMR exposed group when compared to the Group I and Group III. In histo-pathological observation, intertubular congestion, haemorrhage, necrotic changes in cortex and medulla, cast formation within the proximal and distal tubules have elevated significantly inside the EMR group compared to the control group (p <.05). Contrarily, the total number of glomeruli in the cortex of EMR group of subjects decreased compared to the Control group (p< 0.05). The defensive effects of Aq-Wsr were witnessed within the kidney of Group III rats. From the study, it is very significant to raise open awareness of promising harmful consequences of cell phone radiofrequency EMR exposure.
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